

好了好了,看完上一篇的妖獸篇,總是要平衡一下,看個正妹漱漱口油切一下,這次要介紹的是一個住在英國的超強女攝影師(由於我已經偷偷看了很久,所以對他的每張作品都很熟析),這位攝影師很特別的地方,就是會把自己當作是攝影取景的Model,將相機用腳架固定後,拍攝多張場景與構圖一致的照片,唯一的變化僅止於Model本身的肢體動作,然後再靠後製的技巧(Adobe Photoshop),將多張的照片合而為一,完成作品,不論是光影的色澤變化或是人體的姿勢與構圖,全都拿捏的恰到好處,簡直是強到不行,而在她個人的Blog中有提到,她所有的修片技巧全都是自學而成,並沒有受過專業的訓練,最近還受到BBC電視台的專訪(Body Art),且近期還開了個展....

攝影師Miss Aniela在攝影器材上只使用了Sony R1 camera跟sony的消費機(居然不是單眼不是單眼不是單眼...),所以這件事情告訴我們,技巧 & sence才是攝影的基本,要小心陷入一寐追求器材的洪流之中....

對他有興趣的人,可以去Miss Aniela的相簿觀看她的作品  ← 點擊這裡

Miss Aniela's的個人網站 ← 點擊這裡





"I live in the UK, studying an English and Media degree, and pursuing opportunities for my photography whenever I can - a forum to showcase my work, through publishing or exhibiting. I have never studied photography specifically, it appears sometimes in my media courses but most of my photography skills and Photoshop skills are self-taught; picked up and honed by magazines, tutorials, etc

"I control all parts of the image-making process myself (including all self portraiture) unless otherwise stated. I am now using a Sony R1 camera - previous to this I have used other Sony Cybershots. I do some kind of Photoshop manipulation to usually all of my images, varying from 20 minutes (most images) up to five hours or more (the greater Photoshop endeavours intended to be surreal and complex).

"I have been asked many times how to 'clone' oneself in an image, but it really is no secret. It is a simple process of taking two or three images of oneself in different areas of the same frame of a tripod-mounted camera and layering each figure into one frame on a photo software package. I like to think the science of 'cloning' is not the be-all and end-all of my surreal self-portraits. As with any clever photographic method, or photography itself, it is about other aspects such as lighting, colour, costume, imagination and general idiosyncrasy that the creator brings to the image. There are many discussion and tutorial threads on the Internet that can help you."

Miss Aniela BBC Interview

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