


Konica AA-35算是誤打誤撞購入的二手相機,稍微研究一下它的歷史跟功能之後就火速買下,除了價格平易近人,它的特點如下:

1.  1985年生產 (那年我還在幼稚園大班,擁有天天睡午覺的美好特權)
2.  懶人最愛的24mm自動對焦的廣角鏡頭嘖嘖 (f4.0-16) ,甚至還有電動馬達可以幫助回片
3.  隨手快拍很方便的滑蓋設計,而且連閃燈都可以手動開啟
4.  吃兩顆連柬埔寨路邊攤都能買到的3號電池
5.  手感沉穩,不愛憋氣又手抖的超手震患者適用
6.  造型擁有舊時代的美好氣味
7.  不知怎麼的很難在拍賣上發現它的蹤影
8.  連拍兩捲都高達80張的超節儉功能(亂按都不心疼,成像卻依舊擁有濃厚底片味)
9.  成像都是橫幅,跟AGAT 18K拍起來都是直立式的風格不同

以下是這台Konica AA-35很奢侈的快門亂按隨手拍:

↑  雨水落不停的週末加班日

↑  宅網部內建的營養書籍,適合在夜闌人靜的時刻服用,可達天人合一的提神功效

↑  暗貓貓也免驚,顯然這台絕非日光機之流

↑  不小心被梁咪咪掀開導致局部露光

↑  這天週日上工到晚上七點,大夥紛紛催促著要一起閃人

↑  暗到一個極限也是會黑給你看

↑  這回是捲片的時候誤以為已經捲完,再度打開again (好個二度打擊.....(翻白眼狀))

↑  有種八釐米的電影味吼

↑  近拍的極限約莫35公分,太近會成老花眼

↑  燦爛的皮革香氣撲鼻而來

↑  爆好味菊杞茶

↑  低風阻烤箱

↑  高級廚房的低級對談

↑  咩咩叫的枕邊收藏品

↑  李麥克切蓮霧

↑  衣夫人頭髮好毛  心怡牙齒好白

↑  右邊那個傢伙到底是誰

↑  書包拉的那個花

↑  那個R

↑  最近氣象反常,不到十點就全席滿員

↑  弄岑與它的百合

↑  宅網部再襲擊

↑  美宅八點二十一分

↑  傍晚五點整

↑  兩個人的五支傘

↑  不囉唆小犬兩支

↑  夏天就是要坐著Navy吃挫冰

↑  陽台的肉厚植物

↑  年年開的九重葛

↑  慘遭淘汰的Macbook Pro

↑  好清新的Q社長

↑  磨菇爆米花三大桶,美味的順序是巧克力 〉焦糖 〉墨西哥辣椒

↑  蟾蜍的手沖咖啡工具

↑  楊艾倫桌面

↑  李麥克奶泡製造機

↑  凱文與迷你麥片

↑  鋼彈特大號與眼珠特大號


順帶一提關於Konica AA-35的原文資料如下:

Konica AA-35  (1985) Quite a camera at the time, with many innovative features.  It had a 24mm (f4.0-16) auto-focus lens, focusing to 3 feet.  Built-in CDS meter automatically sets shutter speed (1/60 - 1/250) and aperture, in a programmed-exposure system.  Although the focus and exposure were strictly automatic, these limitations are somewhat overcome by the other features, such as a built-in motor-drive, auto-exposure, and flash.  First drop-in the film.  It ran vertically, so the pictures come out horizontal, unlike most half-frame cameras.  Then set the film speed (ISO 100 - 400) and you are set to go.  The camera focuses the lens, then exposes the film, then advances the film.  A RED/GREEN LED in the viewfinder tells you whether the exposure was correct or not.  All this in a very thin, attractive body.  The camera had the same shape of the disc cameras of the time -- its's so thin you assume that it CAN'T be 35mm!  And it had a built-in sliding case to keep everything protected -- well, almost everything -- not the flash and the viewfinder.  When the roll is done, flip the switch on the bottom of the camera and the motor rewinds the film into the cassette.  The camera came in a variety of colors, such as red, grey flannel, etc.. No tripod socket, flash shoe, PC contact, filter thread or cable release socket.   But it DID have a wrist strap!  Takes two AA batteries that operate the flash, the meter and the motor drive.  It is the same as the Konica Recorder.  

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